Owl Abridged
Book Review,  Contemporary,  Young Adult

The Great Big One by J.C. Geiger

Happy release day to The Great Big One by J.C. Geiger! 📚🎉

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I struggled a bit getting through this book because I really couldn’t relate to any of the characters. Griff and his friends are teenage doomsday preppers living in a coastal town. They spend their days in preparation for the arrival of a devastating tsunami (a great big one) and form a band competing with each other for the attention of the new girl in town.

Despite my lack of connection, I still recommend giving the book a shot. J.C. Geiger is a great writer and the plot certainly took me places I didn’t expect. I truly think this book was just meant for a different audience than myself and if the synopsis sounds intriguing you should definitely pick it up.